Tuesday, July 05, 2005

I guess I'm just a little grout-chy

As I may have mentioned in previous posts, it has been a long road as far as choosing colors and patterns and tiles and wood flooring and all things requiring firm decisions that one must live with for the next several decades. Amazingly, as paint was applied and tile was put-down in the past few weeks, the colors are all blending nicely. Whew. Who knew I could be an interior decorator? Do all interior decorators make major design decisions during their evening cocktail hour? Naturally, there had to be one rather major glitch in the land of tile and paint.

A few months ago at the tile store:

WTC: I want something dark for the kitchen. I don't really like ceramic tile and I would prefer not to have a prominent grout line if we must go with tile.

Saleslady: How about this light-colored square tile that accentuates with a white grout line?

WTC: I want something dark for the kitchen. I don't really like ceramic tile and I would prefer not to have a prominent grout line if we must go with tile.

Saleslady: Hmmmmmm...maybe you would like something darker. In ceramic. With a contrasting grout line!

WTC: I want something dark for the kitchen. I don't really like ceramic tile and I would prefer not to have a prominent grout line if we must go with tile.

Get my drift? It was as if no one had ever NOT wanted a grout line and EVERYONE wants ceramic tile. My reasoning, of course, is my laziness. I hate dirty floors and I figure dark = less cleaning. Especially in the kitchen. No grout line = no dirty grout line. I am a genius.

Last week:

WTC: WTF, this tile looks fantastic but what is up with the grout line? It is white! The tiles are dark! I thought I said I didn't want the grout to show up. (I didn't actually say "WTF", but it was in my voice)

Saleslady: We used our standard industrial grade grout. It holds up very well.

WTC: WTF, I said I didn't want the grout line to show. It shows.

Saleslady: Give it until you move in. You might get used to it and decide not to darken it.

WTC: How about either you come over regularly to clean the grout or you tell me how to darken it the day after we move in.

48 1/2 more days.

1 comment:

Christine said...

WTF indeed. Wow, people really seem to think they know what you want better than you do, don't they? So condescending.