Monday, December 13, 2004

Hmmm...I must find a better blog schedule. I guess I don't exactly have a big audience so I can be absent if I want! I got an early present for Christmas! At my riding lesson on Friday (which, by the way, was a fairly sucky lesson but that's ok) El Riding Instructor asked if I might be interested in working out a deal for me to lunge horses and get an extra lesson every week! I know, I will actually be doing someone else's work, but it is such a great chance to get more XPerience and at a low cost! Except if I get kicked or dragged-about the arena, that is. I am absolutely thrilled. I told him we could chat about it once I am back from my holiday of horror at the in-laws. NOW, there will be a light at the end of the tunnel YEAH!

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Frosty the Puddle

OMG...Mr. Snowman melted! And he has been completely deflated the entire day. I was heading out to my car to go to the mall this am and he was looking kind of droopy. I returned and he was completely flattened. I hate to admit it, but I really wish for him to be re-inflated!!! How strange is it that I am terribly worried about my inflated neighbors here at the Motel 6. The ptople must be gone because the generator is still generating, Santa is still waving to us with his festive bag of fake presents, and the tree is still aglow. I am planning to hang out here most of the day tomorrow and I don't think I can bear watching a melted snowman all day. Geez, I need a life.

Friday, November 19, 2004

Tumble Dry

Last night was another *laundry night*. Thank heavens for cocktails. It was raining so I had to dart from our apt. to the laundry building. I keep wondering why no one in this place is very friendly. Last night I seemed to be on the same laundry schedule (meaning in laundry-speak that we had our washer loads start/finish at the same time~thus were trying to scam the lower-row dryers simultaneously. the low dryers are better cause you can see that you got all of your clothes out. That is, if you are not drunk like I sometimes tend to be~see previous post) ANYHOO, this couple thought they were working as such a team but I managed to scoot ahead of them to lay claim on the lower dryers. I guess they were peeved since they left the upper dryer-doors open and I kept banging my head on them when I was *checking my delicates*. (I, in laundry-speak *check the delicates* in order to take them out of those super-hot dryers so they don't end up Barbie-sized) The couple didn't even apologize for the fact that their stupid dryer doors were giving me a concussion. Sheesh.

In heading out to the laundry building, the night was illuminated by the gigantic santa and snowman next door. I noticed Mr. Snowman was pitching forward a bit, tho still standing. He kind of looks like he is checking out the top of the lighted tree. I was maybe going to see if H would be up for doing a live nativity scene some evening...wouldn't that be a hoot! I am going to try to get a pic of Santa/Mr. Snowman/tree posted if I can figure out the pic thing on here. The visual might help add to the drama~

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Meet the Neighbors

Living in the Motel 6 is becoming quite an experience. Sunday morning we woke up to see that the neighbors put up/installed?? a couple of those 6'Santa decorations. There is a big inflated Santa and a big inflated snowman (both smiling, thank god) with a lighted tree (not inflated) in-between the two. This is on the "front lawn" of the townhouse. It isn't like a huge estate or anything! They have some kind of generator keeping them inflated and they ran the extension cord out the front screen door. yipes. I thought H was going to put on his fire safety hat and give them a talking-to. He is all concerned the cord will fray during the Christmas bustle in and out the door and we will all be electrocuted when we go out to our cars since the parking is right in front of their townhouse. The funniest thing is that someone (I swear, it wasn't me!) placed an empty Fritos bag under the tree during the night so it looked like a present. Then, we woke on Monday and Santa was deflated and lying there next to the smiling snowman/tree/fritos bag. It was like that all day and I can only hope everyone just thought I was smiling with holiday cheer and not cracking up as I got out of my car.

The holy lady across the hall who has the bible thumpers come once a week to read to her was out when I was home for lunch. She always gives me a very sad and stern look because she usually only sees me with a cocktail when I am going in and out for laundry. I think she either hates the fact that she can't drink or she dislikes my drinking, period. In fact, today was probably the first time I have not had a cocktail when running into her, seeing as it was during the work day. Anyhoo, she was vacuuming the landing area, or "common area" where our 2 front doors are. H & I have kind of been using it to store his muddy boots and various items he accumulates while housebuilding such as a trash bin full of wood scraps for the fireplace. I had thought she wasn't well because when the bible thumper people are there, she is always very weak and they have to help her in and out. However, there was HolyLady when I walked in today and guess what...not only was she whizzing about with the vacuum, she vacuumed EVERYTHING except our front door area. Maybe she was cured by the holy visitors?? What kind of holy roller is she not to love thy neighbor and vacuum our front mat? I think that was an intentional dis on her part. Just for that, I plan to do laundry on Sunday morning first thing...WITH COCKTAIL IN HAND.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

14 carot shingles

Wow, I am so not good at keeping up with this blog! Am I really that busy? Well, the shingles are on the house...and a good color at that! We are now *eagerly* awaiting the arrival of the windows. Again, I can't remember what they look like. How I wish I could be one of those obsessive home-builder people who ponder and contemplate each and every item! I am not. I must accept it. I am really getting sick, tho, of living in the Motel 6. I have decided I am probably homesick for our old comfy home. The dogs completely agree with me. I feel so bad for them when I let them outside to the little mini-Motel-6-patio. They usually both turn around and look at me like "ummmmmmmmmhi?"...then they try to eat poo. ya gotta love em!
On the riding front, I am intriguied by the fact that I am getting to be *best friends* with one of the super-rich boarders at the barn. It is really wierd. She arrived a few weeks ago and boards her *beeeeutiful* horse where I take lessons. She is from a very well-known family so no wonder she has mega-horse-bucks. (in dollars, I I must apologize for thinking she was a ditz at first because she has obviously had the boob job/botex, etc. She is a complete peach! Who cares I have no apartment friends!??? Loser apartment people...I'll stick with the barn people who are nice even tho way out of my financial range. :)

Monday, November 01, 2004

Tide's In, I'm out!

It is not very safe to drink and do laundry! I learned this valuable lesson over the weekend. Now that I think of it, it is also not very safe to pick siding colors and drink either. (See previous post.) Anyhoo, I did a few loads of laundry last week...I think it was Thursday. (One good thing about the Motel 6 laundry thing is that you can throw in like 10 loads and get them all done simultaneously!) I was having a cocktail or 2 while I was laundering which is kind of nice. Makes for a sort of laundry party! I usually throw the clothes in the washers and then go back to the motel room and come back to the laundry building to put them all in the dryers. So I was very comfy and clever with my laundry and cocktails last week...HOWEVER, I decided to do a couple thousand more loads of laundry yesterday (Sunday) and I opened a dryer to see if it was "free", (laundromat talk: "is that dryer free?") and low and behold, there was a load of my laundry that I never got from the dryer LAST WEEK! Yipes, I must be a drunk. What a made my day to know how friendly our Motel 6 is since no one bothered my clothes for nearly a week! LOL They were mostly H's clothes and I did have to pay another $1 to run them thru another cycle to get all of the wrinkles out. H didn't think the whole thing was very funny.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Raise the roof!

Ok, so I have been away for a few isn't that life is so exciting that I have something to write every day! The roof is nearly on the frame of the house!!! Each step is a movement forward, right? This morning H said we need to pick out shingles. I was wondering about buying shingles when we have not yet picked a siding color for the place. WELL, it turns out H tells me we have already picked out the siding! We did?? I don't remember at all! I recovered and told him to be SURE to bring a siding sample so we can match a roof color. Clever, eh? I will know what color I picked! LOL I am thinking it was probably one of THOSE nights we had before we moved to the motel 6 when I was numbing myself for this whole thing with VO. Drinking hazard. I hope I like the color! LMAO! H just wouldn't understand that...he is SOOOOOOOOOOOO into the house thing. He wants me to drive by every lunch hour and then stop after work to see "the site". I TRY to get there but usually I am rushing off to work out or to grocery shop or to get home to let puppies out. My pathetic attitude is pretty much "WAKE ME WHEN IT's OVER!"...but I don't dare say it. Ahhh, secrets. Later

Friday, October 15, 2004

Schooling time

Well, today is my riding lesson day!!! I love Fridays for that reason alone. (Ok, that and relaxing with a couple of cocktails and some Mexican food!) Riding has become fun once again after about a year of not-so-fun. I started riding just about 4 years ago; however, my progression has been pretty slow for the following reasons: 1) Fear, 2) Instructor problems 3) More Fear, 4) Terror. BUT, last year I leased a horse for the winter from the barn where I volunteer with a riding therapy program. The horse is a therapy horse so I got lots of experience while feeling fairly safe in comparison to the Warmbloods I had been riding in my weekly lessons. I still have a fear of flying (!!), but excitedly I have learned to relax and not curl into the fetal position the minute my equine partner perks his ears. Not only that, I have a new trainer who is rather wonderful and pushes me just that little bit so I def. see progress. I LOVE IT! I have always wanted to ride but never had the opportunity ($$$) as a kid. Learning as an adult sometimes makes me feel like I am one of those chubby housewives who goes back to take a college course and ends up asking so many questions that the rest of the students roll their eyes and totally avoid eye contact when they are to pair up for some project. Ya, anal. I don't think I am THAT bad, certainly I dress better than those women! LOL LOL Anyhoo, 3 more hours til I am walktrotcanter-ing!! Yeah!

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Living in the Motel 6

This apartment living is so strange...especially after having a house. Someone is always moving in or out. I was thinking we might meet some new apartment friends kind of like in The Honeymooners or Dick Van Dyke so I was very smiley when I saw a neighbor just in case he or she might be Rhoda-like and we could someday share wine or go shopping. Well, after only a month I barely smile because by the time someone finally smiles back, I notice the moving truck in front of their place and bang, they are gone. I am wondering if they were only smiling at me because they were thinking, "sucker, I'm blowing this pop stand and you have to stay here and keep on doing your laundry in the "laundry building". (Where, incidentelly, I take antibacterial wipes because those public washing machines always have some mysterious type of hair on the lid that never ceases to completely gross me out!) There is one woman who actually spoke to me briefly and there was a faint glimmer of hope that she could be my apartment friend. She mentioned her husband was teaching at the college nearby. So, what happens??? I read in the paper about the new professers and her husband turns out to be this minister and doctor of religious somethingorother. I am not knocking religion, but my smile wasn't quite so perky when I couldn't quite picture getting schnockered with her on a Sunday afternoon.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Blog: Day 2

How strange that I seem to think of all things to write here when I am not here and then I forget everything. Maybe I will get better at this.

Today started the house framing! Woo hoo! Actually H is more excited about the building of the house than I. I just try to act all pumped and "woo hoo" at the proper moments. It seems as I have become older I don't give a hoot where we live and a big new house seems like a big new bunch of work! In the cleaning/upkeep sense, I mean. H has been campaigning for nearly 18 years about doing this, so one can only hope there is still more in life for him once he has this under his belt. Me, I just want to get thru the finance/choosing flooring/oohhing and ahhhing about fine miter joints. LOL So, we are living in this teensy weensy apartment for the next 9 mos or so with 2 dogs (who are completely discombobulated) while we build this fortress. Once finished, I have approval to POSSIBLY get a horse. How cool is that???!?!? Now THAT's a fun project... :)

Monday, October 11, 2004


I guess I have finally joined the blogging ranks. I stumbled on planetdan (addictive!) and found it is rather enjoyable to read all of the different stories. It's like having a social life! go figure. Since I am in the process of 1) Building a house and 2) Learning to ride, I figure I can record some of the trials and tribulations of both. I'm sure there is some humor somewhere in all of this madness...Nice to meet you!