Monday, August 01, 2005

this is an audio post - click to play


Kiddo78 said...

Yay!! You sound fine, not dumb at all! I laughed when you kinda giggled about the record your voice guy being mad at you!

Christine said...

Why did I think the motel 6 would have sucked all the joy from your voice? Thanks for figuring it out - you sound so natural on there.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhhh!Walk trot did a audio post!!!!This completly made my day Ihave to tell you!!!Now,you need to post a picture so I can place a face with the voice!You sound so cute by the way!It's nice to meet you walk trot's voice!!!

walktrotcanter said...

I am getting so high-tech! One of these days I'll post a pic...I just have to find one that won't scare anyone. :)

hot babe said...

You're too hard on yourself. Very nice audio post. And if the voice guy gets mad at you again, send him my way. I'll slap him around for ya.