Sunday, March 04, 2007

...and a heated tack room!

I am in a bit of a conundrum at the moment regarding where to house George. The farm where I have kept him the past few months is very close to my house; however, I am finding more and more that I am just not cut out for the *self-serve-type* barn arrangement. Yes, it is very handy to live only 5 minutes away. No, it is not very handy to have to do my own turnout, feeding, and stall cleaning.

Thru a friend, I found a barn about 15-20 minutes away that currently has some openings. The price for board is $100 more than I am currently paying. I am figuring that what I am now spending on buying my own grain and stall shavings, in addition to the time I am spending would probably even out as far as cost. Yesterday, I drove to the place to take a look. It is very nice with a very large indoor arena. I could actually just arrive, tack up, and stall cleaning, venturing out to the pasture of 10-12 horses to fight to get George inside! Honestly, it seemed a mecca compared to what I am doing now.

The drawback thusfar seems to be that H is kind of skeptical about the change. I think he likes the folks at the barn and, in fact, we have had some fun outings with them. Perhaps he is afraid, as I am, that our new little social circle will go away. I so much enjoy little Emily and the new foals and the mini horses...I would miss all of that as well. It is a bit like deciding to change hairdressers!!! Oh, the stress! The jist of it, tho, is that I really want to enjoy my horse and improve my riding...and it has not been easy to do that. At times I spend so much time with the cleaning and such that there has not been enough time or energy to ride.

Am I getting to be a spoiled dressage queen? Yipes.

I guess in the past few months I have decided what I need as far as the barn where I board. Despite H's skepticism, I am leaning towards making the change. H is going with me today to take another look at the maybe he will see what I am talking about.

Just had to write down my thoughts...stay tuned!


Rising Rainbow said...

The hard part about leaving folks behind is you don't know for sure what will happen to those relationships. But if they're really good relationships they'll still be there.

Jay Jennings said...

There is something to be said about taking care of you own horse. I have always been in conflict of what is better, full care/quality time or self care/well cared for. In the end the quality time won; but I have bounced from barn to barn till I have found a place that will feed and care for my herd in the same manner that I do. Two of my drafts went into winter 100lbs lighter than should because previous managers felt they ate too much.

Callie said...

Let's link, if you're interested. I've got a blog for people who own and love horses, whether you follow disciplines or just like their company.
If interested e-mail me please

Anonymous said...

I am so thankful to live on a farm with my horses here with me... There is something comforting about going outside - any time - day or night - to check on 'em.

I have a really powerful flashlight - more like a spotlight - and am known to wake up in the wee morning hours - go out on my balcony and shine the light out there to check on my babies!