Monday, April 17, 2006

Where is my SPF??

I have not fallen off the face of the earth! I have just been terribly busy...and terribly uncreative. This week I am in Florida. I wish I could say I was soaking up the sun with a cool umbrella cocktail in-hand; however, I am on a business trip wherein I have to dress nicely, behave, and refrain from ordering those oh-so-colorful martinis!!

I will have stories upon my return...


Anonymous said...

Hi walk trot! Miss you!
Hope you get back into the blogging soon. I saw a comment from you on my blog and I felt like I was getting a hello from an old friend!

Kiddo78 said...

Enjoy Florida! Or, as The Boy From New York City call it, Flah-rid-ah. And he makes fun of MY accent?!

Rockenheimer said...

Great... I come back and you're gone! Typical timing, Rockendoodoo...