Friday, September 02, 2005

I am Inter-Net Less!

Just a note to say we moved this past week and NO INTERNET YET so I popped into work for a sec to pay an online bill and let the BlogWorld know I am alive. I don't have time to sit and catch up on all of the BlogNews. It has been like detox...but I'll have loads of good reads once I am up and running again!

Have a safe holiday everyone!!!!!


Christine said...

OMG you moved! Congratulations! Thanks for the message and hope to see you soon...

Mandy said...

Where's the damn HOOHAA! That I expected? Finally you get to move out of Hell, and no big blog about it? Man. You are going to throw a big fit about it and take pictures and write a farewell to the motel 6 blog entry, right? Right?

hot babe said...

Finally! Can't wait for pics.

Anonymous said...

No way!!!!!!!
You moved
Can't wait for an update!!!!!!!